Autronica Fire Alarm System

AutroSafe fire detection system
AutroSafe interactive fire-alarm system is a system where all system units communicate on a local network called AUTROLON. The system complies with C.E.N. EN 54 regulations. The SelfVerify function makes the system capable of every day to inspect and verify its own configurations, alarm and warning levels, interfaces and connection cables - from detector's sensing element to the alarm output.
AutroSafe 4 fire detection system
The new and enhanced generation AutroSafe 4 operates on a high-speed and fully redundant Ethernet-based network solution; AutroNet, providing extremely fast data transmission. A maximum of 64 system units (panels, controllers) can be connected to the AutroNet. The system has a great capacity, and the fact that all types of loop units can be connected to the same detection loop gives large flexibility. Uploading of configuration data or system software to the entire system can be done from one single point. The USB port is used for downloading data from a USB memory stick.
AutroSafe 4 provides advanced functionality within fire detection for a wide range of applications. The system is designed to meet requirements in the high-end segment of the land, maritime and offshore market, and is developed for worldwide standards and regulations. AutroSafe 4 has been certified in compliance with the Construction Products Directive (CPD) for CE marking and the Marine Equipment Directive (MED) for Wheel marking. Both these directives require compliance with EN 54-2 and EN 54-4.